If a picture is worth a thousand words here is my life in a few thousand words...
Minneapolis Skyline...this view isn't from campus, we are about fifteen minutes from down town.
My dear Friend Elizabeth 
And my dear Friend Ashlee

Those Women are blessings to my heart!
Broom-ball is a Minnesota favorite. Its like hockey (played on ice) but you don't wear skates. You have broom type sticks to hit a small ball with and try to make goals like in
hockey I've only played once - it can get pretty violent. This picture was taken at a women's retreat we had a couple weekends ago with BCOM. We traveled to northern Wisconsin and staid in a Christian camp for the weekend. We got to sleep, eat, and just relax with our friends. It was a very restful and relaxing weekend.
This lovely young lady is Catlin, she is one of the intern girls that I've had the privlage of mentoring the last couple months.
And of course, we can't talk about life in Minnesota without mentioning the
But it won't last forever...the last couple days it has been as warm as 45 degrees I believe. The snow mountains have begun to melt and puddles are everywhere...
...Spring is Coming!!