Traffick Jam.2013

::August 2013 UPDATE::
Traffick Jam is currently in the process of getting a new name! Due to some trademark conflicts the Hard Places Community has decided to rename their annual fundraiser:
I'm still planning to be involved with the event in 2014 so when details are out, I will post them!
Traffick Jam 2013 was massivly sucessful. Our Lansing event alone raised over $4,000 for the Hard Places Community!!! I was so blessed to be a part of coordinating the event. My heart aches to be on the ground, fighting trafficking face to face, but in this season, I'm so thankful to be able to do something just as vital to the fight by raising funds and awareness.
 A huge Thank -You to everyone that walked, donated & prayed for our event, I could not have raised $4,000 on my own!
A special thanks to my dear friend E. who laid the ground work for this event by pioneering Traffick Jam events in our area for 2011 & 2012.
And a special Thank-You to South Lansing Christian Church for hosting, promoting & participating in the walk and fundraising.
A note on next year: I'm not sure what it will look like, but I will be involved again next year so stay tuned for updates!
" good; Seek justice, Reprove the ruthless, Defend the orphan, Plead for the widow." (Isaiah 1:17)

One of my passions is justice. 
This spring I have the privilege of organizing an event to raise money for
an organization bring God's love and hope to children in the streets of Cambodia. 
is a 10-mile walk-a-thon in which each participant raises $10 from 10 sponsors bringing in $100 to support the work of the Hard Places Community. Through this event in 2011 & 2012 we raised enough money for them to open two drop-in centers, one for boys and one for girls, as well as cover most of their operating costs. This year we will be raise funds for them to continue their work ending and preventing human trafficking.
We will be walking our 10 miles on April 6 at South Lansing Christian Church from 9am to 12pm.
Contact me to register here or fill out this form and bring it on April 6.

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