Saturday, December 31, 2011

:::: Happy New Year! ::::

Today is the last day of 2011. Tomorrow is the first day of 2012.

::: I look back and I am so thankful for God's faithfulness :::
.God has taught me to trust Him like never before.
.I have learned to be patient and content in places I thought it was impossible to be so.
.God showed me that He is God, regardless of my circumstances.
.I learned about hope in the middle of hopelessness.
.God showed me His *beautiful* grace and mercy in new ways.
.I love Him more this year then I did last year.

:::I look forward with anticipation because of God's faithfulness:::
.There will be new adventures.
.There will be more to love about God.
.There will be NEW things to experience.
.There will be more people to love.
.I will love Him more next year then I did this one.

Happy New Year everyone! May you look back and see His faithfulness.
May you look forward with hope and anticipation. Blessings on your New Year!


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

:: i remember your faithfulness ::

:: Life has been so full these past few months that I've only had time to post photos and very little of what has been stirring in my heart.
:: My good shepherd has been leading me on a journey of trusting Him more through reminding me of His faithfulness.
:: It began with a decision to walk in thankfulness...for everything. For the big things, the small things and everything in between. God gives so much joy and strength to a thankful heart; I have been in awe of it.
:: Then I was reading the first chapter of Matthew and meditating on God's faithfulness to His people, from Abraham to Joseph and everyone in between. I went back to the Old Testament and read some of their stories. With every chapter, I was more encouraged. God is not a God that forgets His people or His promises. He is a provider, a healer, a deliverer, merciful, just, good, and so incredibly faithful. He truly uses all things for good and His glory if we give them to Him. My heart has been continually filled with thankfulness for who He is and what He has done.
:: There is this song by Jon Thurlow called "Your Faithfulness" and I've listened to it hundreds of times these past couple months. It's about remembering the faithfulness of God to the patriarchs and His faithfulness to us. So as this year is ending and I'm looking back at it, I remember His faithfulness to me through it. I'm so thankful for His faithfulness in every single day. He has never left me and He will use everything for His glory and His Kingdom.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

a little November blizzard

We said good-bye to November with snow! It was the first snow of the year to actually stick...and it stuck to everything! I know in a couple months I will be tired of the stuff but right now it's beautiful and magical the way it covers everything.
I had the privilege to be out early the morning after it all fell and I was in awe of how beautiful it was. I was like Lucy her first time in Narnia.

This looks like a Christmas card
My street was so pretty!