Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday Thoughts...

Have you ever felt like you wanted to do more about the problems in our world? 
  I have been feeling like that for the past couple weeks. I think I have my summer in Africa to thank for this feeling. When you see the extent of poverty some people live with and when you live simply without a lot of "stuff", coming back to the cozy homeland is a wee bit overwhelming.  You find yourself enjoying things like Starbucks, soft beds, clean feet and dependable transportation and yet you know that some of your friends on the other side of the world are wondering where their next meal is coming from. That is a really hard thought for me and I want to do something about the hard things. I try to arrange my life in a way that  shares some of my abundance with those that have less.

  But what more can I do?

I bought the shoes...

I did the walk...

I made the trip...

I'm NOT trying to toot my own horn here or say that I'm doing everything perfectly or that I have this figured out. These are just the thoughts that have gone through my head as I've been re-adjusting to life in my homeland where God has planted me for this season.

This morning Jesus gave me the answer to my questions. 

  I have been studying Song of Songs in the Bible lately. {seriously good stuff} This morning I decided to listen to a teaching about it. The teacher, Mike Bickle of IHOP, was sharing that one way to look at this book is as a picture of Jesus and His Bride, the church {Us, You and ME!}. He talked about growing in our relationship with Jesus and loving Him, but our part as the Bride doesn't stop there. Out of a relationship with Jesus, we work in partnership with Him to bring His Kingdom to earth! 

So when I feel like I need to do more, when my heart aches to do more about the problems I see, I need more of Jesus because He has all the solutions! Sometimes I forget that He sees all the horrors of our world more than I do and His heart aches more than mine does. Jesus has cried more tears over injustice, hunger, pain, fear and suffering than I ever will. Yet, He also has the solutions and the strategies for change, hope, joy, peace and LOVE. 

Like I said before, don't feel condemned or judged by all this. I'm just sharing what God is doing in me. If you feel like you need to do more, ask Jesus what is breaking His heart today and what you can do about it. I promise He has answers for you.

Thanks for reading my thoughts this Friday afternoon!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Faces from Mozambique...Ch.4

  During my summer in Mozambique I had a million opportunities to spend time with kids. Every Wednesday, I went to the sewing school where women learn to make skirts and bags to sell. Many of these women had little ones that needed something to do while their mamma's worked, so a couple girls and I played with them for the afternoon.
We loved the tetter-totter!
Flowers in our hair!
These are some of my favorite flowers! I fell in love with them when I lived in Thailand and was so delighted to find them in Mozambique.
They also make good climbing trees!
Loving on babies doesn't always feel like a glamorous, world changing ministry but Jesus spent time loving little ones; they are so precious to Him. This ended up being a huge blessing for me too. I found I needed a season of just loving on kids after being so busy with other ministries at home. It was a really refreshing time for me. God knew just what we all needed when He put us there.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Faces from

Here is one face from Mozambique I won't forget for a while.
Every Tuesday and Friday night my dinner had a face and came with a boiled potato on the usual rice. These little guys were a welcome, salty, fried reprieve from the daily beans (&rice of course). We were also blessed with chicken once a week, cabbage, and the extra special spaghetti on Saturday nights! The popular least favorite meal was matapa...a local green plant cooked into mush and served over rice. While it's a local favorite, many of us found it quite bitter and it usually came with a healthy helping of sand and a small pebble or two as well. For some reason I failed to take a picture of my own so I found one online. Note: ours didn't look quite this nice :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

train whistles

  I'm in another season of transition.
  I am sojourning in my hometown again, staying with my parents and seeking God about what is next.

  Tonight I heard the familiar sound of the train whistle. I was reminded of other times I've heard that sound late at night. In a previous season of life, it reminded me of traveling and all I wanted was to be going somewhere on a train, or a plane. Anything!
  But tonight I hear it and I don't want to go anywhere. I just got back from a crazy travel experience and the train whistle is another comforting piece of this place.
  I sound like a crazy person, sometimes I cry about staying, then I cry about going. But I guess this is what growing up looks like. You desperately want to be independent and be out there on your own, having adventures and changing the world. Then you get a taste of the hard parts of being grown up and all you want is to be 7 again, where your biggest care of the night is finding your teddy bear before you have to go to bed.
  Thankfully, I have a perfect heavenly Father that goes with me through every season, every transition and every bit of growing up. Not only is He going with me, He is leading me and preparing the way for me. When I feel alone, lost or weary of being grown up, He is there to remind me that I'm always His little girl and He is always taking care of me.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Faces from

Here are more faces from my summer! These photos are of the lovely "acunia" (white people) I was blessed to share the adventure with.
My sweet house momma, Shannon! This lady shared wisdom and laughs with us all summer while helping us figure out how to survive in Mozambique. On a side note...don't we both have lovely blue eyes? :)
Some of house # 15's residents...there were 13 of us all together in one 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house that could fit inside my parent's living room! We were so blessed though because we all got along so well. These girls so blessed my summer!
Here are a couple more pics of our dear little house.

Some of us around the kitchen table with our constant companions, the water bottles. Besides the porch, this was our favorite hang-out! 
A rare moment when the kitchen was empty.
This is how you open a can when the can opener breaks in Africa...big knife and a coconut! 
My roomie on the back porch with the African day bed she rebuilt! She actually took all of the broken grass weave out, bought new ones and rewove it together! 
One thing I've learned in my travels is that no matter where you are in the world, no matter how clean or dirty, hot or cold, poor or rich, easy or hard the thing that matters the most is the people you are with. My time in Mozambique was extra special because I was with encouraging and loving people.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Faces from Mozambique...Ch.1

Faces are some of the most memorable parts of my summer in Mozambique. Here are a few I met on my weekend in the bush.
 We were followed by a crowd of these precious ones everywhere we went that weekend.
They were quite amused by our efforts to speak their local language. At one point during our morning of visiting homes, we were one large crowd of laughing children and adults.
 It was delightful to be ambassadors of joy with them!
We also had the pleasure of blessing a crowd of them with a meal and treats!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Beach Blessings

My family blessed me in my first week home with a vacation at the beach! I love living so close to beautiful beaches. I only wish our summer was longer so we could go more often.
                                     I had to put some of them into collages to fit them all in here.
My little beach buddy:
We enjoyed camping...even roasting hot dogs in the rain!
Together again...all under one umbrella! This picture is a little blurry but I LOVE the looks on their faces!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

.lovely day.

Sometimes it can be hard coming back to my hometown after adventures around the world. This time has been different. Today was only my third day but it has been lovely being back! God has blessed me with some beautiful people in my life here and I've been so blessed to see them again. Besides my beautiful family, I got to catch up with some dear girlfriends today as well.

I got to have bubble tea with these lovelies today! We also made mexican food and went shopping. I missed these girls so much this summer!
My drink of choice today...yum!
Wouldn't be the same without Mango Stars!!

My Momma and Daddy also blessed me with these lovely shoes as a welcome home gift!
I miss my new friends in Africa and the UK but I'm blessed to have wonderful people in my life here too. I'm also excited to see what God has in store for this new season! I'll keep you posted.

P.S. Pictures from Africa are on their way too!