This is the front door...way to go Michelle and Mindee!

Making Snowflakes

Stringing Popcorn

The finished product!

Merry Christmas from Thailand!!
The Face of confusion...
I have been discouraged because I'm not learning as fast as I want to and I'm not understanding or being understood in this language when I converse with locals. But today in class I was encouraged when I was able to understand our teacher giving us direction in Thai. I could pick up words I knew and get the idea of what she was saying to us. Also understanding people at the restaurant we went to for lunch was exciting. I was able to order, talk about the food and pay for my meal all in Thai. My trip to "seven" (as they call 7/11 here) for orange juce was encouraging too. The girl behind the counter asked me if I had eaten today which is a common greeting here, it's like asking "how are you?". I wasn't sure how to respond...but when I got home I asked my team mates and now I know for next time. Learning this language is going to take time and grace from the Lord to persevere. Pray for me and my team that the Lord would give us supernatural understanding to learn Thai so we can communicate His glory and love to them in their own language. Grace and peace to you from the Lord Jesus Christ!
Right now we are just in the middle of country orientation; learning our way around the city, a little of the language and settling in to our new house.
I will be posting videos of the inside soon so stay tuned!
The most meaningful part of our time here so far has been our team meetings together everyday before class. The Lord has been giving all of us vision and passion to see Him glorified in this land so trapped in darkness. We are super excited to join with Him in what He is already doing here. Keep us in your prayers as we continue ajusting and begin learning a very challenging language. Much love!!
In case you haven't already noticed I have a little countdown on here to when I leave for Thailand. Now that you have defiantly noticed it (since I pointed it out) - allow me to draw your attention to just how little time is left on it. As I am writing this, it says 45 days.
In the last couple weeks, God has been doing awesome things in my heart and life. Things that have made this trip seem more and more real. It's like I'm realizing for the first time that I am really going to do this. I am going to get on an airplane on April 23 and fly halfway around the world. When I get off that plane, very few people will speak my language and will live life very differently than I do. I will call this new place HOME for the next 16 months as I continue my missionary training and love the people of this land. This dream will only be a dream for a little more then a month.
The closer I get to the Lord, the more He confirms that this is the next step He has for my life. He is calling me to LOVE the broken and unloved of the world through His Holy Spirit's power for His glory. God has been expanding my vision from just going to get more training and doing something about human trafficking to seeing things happen I didn't even know were possible. He is going to do more than I can ask or imagine and I am so excited to see what.
He has also done awesome things in providing physically. Especially in finances. Currently I am at about 50% of my needed support. I am halfway there and even closer to being able to buy my plane ticket (which happens when I reach 75%). When I look at the donation record I am amazed at where the money came from - the Lord's hand is clearly on my finances for this trip.
But with the reality of moving to another country and walking out what God is calling me too comes the reality of goodbyes. If I've learned anything in my short 20 years it is that life is full of goodbyes and often painful ones. Praise the Lord that it hurts though - if it hurts that means I loved fully, I gave of my heart to that person. That is after all part of the reason for our existence isn't it? Loving our neighbor.
So there is another little snippet of my life right now - reality sinking in bringing emotions of excitement and happiness but also sadness and a little bit of fear. Through this roller coaster of emotion and preperation, the TRUTH in the word of God becomes so valuable so I leave you with this today:
"Give THANKS to the Lord, for He is good; His LOVE endures forever!"
Psalm 118:1