Looking forward to this New Year, 2009 holds a new adventure for me, one bigger, scarier and harder then any I've experienced so far. In April I will be moving to Chang Mai Thailand for a 16 - month internship with Bethany College of Missions.
I started prayerfully considering this option last summer when I found out that the Lord had closed the door for me to stay at Teen Mania for a third year. The last four months at home have held a lot of prayer and fasting about the subject. It has been hard for me to take this big step in deciding this but the Lord has been quietly confirming every time I doubt that I should keep moving this direction, that this is the next step He has for me in life.
I’m defiantly excited about this venture but it seems daunting at the same time. To think of raising the budget, being so far away from home and friends for so long, learning a completely different language (and I mean completely different), and just the unknown of what it will be like moving to another culture is all a little frightening and overwhelming. But I'm reminded of the Lord's faithfulness to me and all His children through all the daunting and scary adventures in life. Psalm 37:25 I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread.Because I know the Lord, I can walk forward into all that this new year holds with boldness and courage because I know my life is held by the Lord and He NEVER forsakes His children. So... ...bring it on 2009!