{Brief Bio: Amy Carmichael was one of the pioneers of the modern missions movement and spent a large portion of her life in India rescuing and caring for children. But the last 15 years of her life she spent bedridden as a result of an injury that never healed correctly. Rather than return home to Ireland, she stayed in India with the people she loved and there she wrote some of the most encouraging and challenging pieces of literature I have ever read.}
There have been many encouraging chapters but one of my favorites was titled "Clouds". She shares about an evening when she watched the clouds come in, covering the mountains and sky. In this simple moment she was reminded of the comforting fact that the mountains and stars remained even though covered from sight by clouds. In the same way, God and the truth about Him is not changed by the clouds of our circumstances or emotions. She wrote this:
"Our feelings do not affect God's facts. They may blow up, like clouds, and cover the eternal things that we do most truly believe. We may not see the shining of the promises - but still they shine! And the strength of the hills that is His also, is not for one moment less because of our human weakness." *
I was struck one day with the revelation that God is just as good now in the hard times as He was when everything seemed to be going so well.
How thankful I am for the unchanging nature of our God!
*From: I Come Quietly to Meet You; Devotional readings arranged by David Hazard
Ch. 17 pg 66