Friday, August 26, 2011

...blessed are those who mourn...

This was something the Lord just dropped into my heart tonight. I have encountered a couple people this week that are walking through a season of mourning. All unconnected and in very different places in life but all are walking through the valley of the shadow.
Tonight it was like the Lord said "Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted." (Matthew 5:4)
As I thought about this, I was reminded of my own experience of the perfect comfort of Jesus in a season of mourning. When we encounter death, whether it be death of a loved one, death of a relationship, or death of a dream, it is in that place of deep pain that the Lord is often closest.
Not to say that sometimes we don't go through seasons where it seems that even He is a million miles away. And there is special grace for those times too.
But when our hearts are weakest, His love is strongest. In Psalms it says that He draws near to the broken heart. When we are in that place where it just hurts, I mean really aches deep in the soul and nothing on earth can make that pain stop, Jesus meets us there and promises comfort. And that is where we find the blessing. The blessing is being near to Jesus, leaning on His strong love, not going alone.
Above all, the ultimate comfort will come when Jesus wipes away every tear from our eyes, when He makes all things new, when He sets all things right (Revelation 21:4-8). Until that day, I pray that those I encountered this week, and you if you are in that place, would know the sweet comfort Jesus gives.