Sunday, March 24, 2013

Dreaming Big

"We are too young to realize that certain things are impossible... So we will do them anyway.” 
-William Wilberforce

I think this is part of what Jesus meant when He was holding children up as an example in Matthew 19:14. He said the "Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these (children)." Children are dreamers with endless imaginations. We are children with an endless heavenly Father. He told us nothing was impossible with Him, so why do we constantly have to make things "realistic" or "practical"? 
Two words: 
Two ugly little words that will keep us from changing the world if we let them. 
We've probably all been afraid of being disappointed at some point. And we've all been disappointed. 
But God said NOTHING was impossible for us or Him. 

"He replied, "Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'move from here to there,' and it will move; and NOTHING will be impossible to you." -Matthew 17:20
"With people it is impossible, but not with God; for all things are possible with God." -Mark 10:27

What if you couldn't fail?
What if nothing could stop you? 
What would you do? 

This spring I'm organizing a fundraiser for an organization working to end child sex trafficking in South East Asia. The fundraiser is called Traffick Jam and their tag line is this:

In one day, we can help bring child sex trafficking to a grinding halt.

Sounds audacious doesn't it? One day? A grinding halt? To the second fastest growing crime in the world?
Why not?
I'm learning to have faith like a child; to be to young to realize that certain things are impossible and do them anyway. People thought William Wilberforce was crazy for trying to end the trans-atlantic slave trade in England. They thought Abraham Lincoln was nuts for trying to do the same in America. And yet, it was done!
My prayer and passion is that the body of Christ would come together and partner with God's heart. That the bride of Christ would stand up and say this stops NOW!
So if your not busy on April 6, 2013, come walk 10 miles with us to end this crime against precious little ones that Jesus longs to draw to Himself. If you are busy that day, sponsor a walk-er for $10 or buy a t-shirt for $15!