Friday, August 10, 2012

What does LOVE look like?

"Little children, let us not love with word or with tounge, but in deed and truth." 1 John 3:18
  Love is more than emotions or warm fuzzy feelings. It's not just something to talk about or something to say. Love is an action and a choice. Love looks like something.
  All summer I have been learning about what love looks like as I live and learn in Mozambique. My time here is coming to an end and as I reflect this lesson of what love looks like stands out as one of the biggest things I've been learning. Here is a reflection from the first month of my adventure.
  On my second weekend in Africa, I got to visit a village in the bush and experience "real" Africa. Our team rode for several hours in the back of a truck with lots of dust and some local brothers to a lovely little village where we camped for a weekend. In the village we shared food, dancing, the good  news about Jesus. We prayed for sick people and played with lots of kids too. The best part was visiting homes and just sitting with people in the dirt. Love looks like bringing hope, joy, and encouragement to the ends of the earth. Love looks like sitting in the dirt and being with your new friends. love doesn't mind not showering for three days or waiting until 10pm to eat dinner.
  This was only the beginning of learning about what love looks likes. Hopefully I will be able to share more soon.

1 comment:

Hollie said...

To lots of happy little kiddos, love looks like you :)