I am so excited that summer has finally arrived here in Minnesota! It has been a crazy last month of my life but it has been so
good. God has changed me so much through the LTEs, classes, retreats, and life just happening.
The first two weeks of May were super intense with a class about the
suffering church,
fasting retreat and the
world Awareness LTE. All of it taught me about how God is always the same, no matter what we go through and He gives us all we need to go through everything He has for us.
After world awareness, we had a class about the
end times and the book of revelation that brought a lot of understanding but also a lot more questions - I hope to study the subject in more depth someday.
The third weekend in May was our GI
retreat. It was great to finally relax and just hang out after a really busy season.
We went to the
Wisconsin Dells for the weekend and staid in this great lodge on a lake.

We went
boating, spent time with the Lord and just hung out together. Very refreshing!

Upon our return from the retreat we began a class on the book of
Romans, which was another intense class. The teacher we had has a reputation for giving lots of homework and being very ready to debate your opinions! But I learned a lot about
sin, justification and sanctification through that class.

But we only had two days of class that week because of Memorial Day and that Wednesday night we left for Texas to join the Honor Academy's south campus for the
Celebration LTE! It is a weekend of sports competitions and celebrating what God has done in our lives this year.
I had the chance to take a walk around the campus and just remember things I learned when I was an intern there. My first year at the Honor Academy changed my life and I am so blessed that I have been a part of God's changing work in the lives of interns this year and again next year. These men and women are going to change this world for Jesus Christ and I am so privileged to have been part of their lives and their growth.
These four lovely ladies are the interns in the core I was adopted into this year. It has been (and still is) a privilege to serve them and their Core Advisor this year. Two of them will be staying at Teen Mania for a second year and the other two are heading out in to the world to make an impact for the Lord.
One of the biggest things I have learned the last month is treasuring the time I have with people in my life right now. I was a little depressed when we first got to Texas and realised that so many people I shared last year with are really not a part of my life anymore other then an occasional phone call. But I came to the revelation that life is always going to have changing seasons and we need to embrace the time we have with those around us. Let us not be depressed about the past or afraid of the future, but enjoy where we are. I am looking forward to growing and embracing these last two months of my second year at the Honor Academy and my first at BCOM.
Summer Here I Come!!!