Sunday, August 22, 2010


On August 14th I graduated from college! Which felt a little funny since I’m not actually done with all of my classes until November 5. But since there were only four of us needing to finish off our final credits they allowed us to walk in graduation along with the rest of the graduating seniors. Enough details - Pictures!
Thanks to my Momma here are some pictures from the day…

This event made me realize that I am very soon entering a new season of life. I feel as if I’m standing on the edge of a cliff, the edge of which I will be required to jump off of in less then three months time. As of right now, after November 5 I have no solid plans. But I am reminded of a similar cross-roads when I graduated from High School. And as I look back at that season and all that has happened since then, I am filled with a quite confidence in my shepherd and leader. You see, when I gave my life to Jesus, really surrendered myself to Him at the age of 17, I had no idea how that would direct my life so radically. Or how wonderful following Him would be. Yes it has been hard but like Paul says in Philippians 3 “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead…” God has used those hard times to mature me and complete me (James 1:4). I rejoice in looking back at the faithfulness of God and so I rejoice in looking forward to the faithfulness to come!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Being Back in America

Since my return from Thailand a popular question has been:
“how is it being back in America?”
I have been trying to figure out my thoughts and feelings to answer that question. In many ways it almost feels like I never left. Many things are the same, exactly as I remember them. My family, for example, doesn't seem that different. We kept in contact well while I was gone, so I know what has been going on in their lives and it has been so good to see them again.
But in other ways it feels like I’ve been gone for years and some things are almost shocking. Like Wal-Mart for example. Now Wal-Mart is a very normal thing for Americans and I grew up going there almost weekly for all the little things necessary for living life. But coming back from Thailand I was overwhelmed by the size, the shininess and just the general Wal-Mart-ness of it. There are large Wal-Mart type places in Thailand but they are not as big, they have Thai people, the Thai language and Thai food in them. Wal-Mart is very different. Why do we need a whole aisle just for Shampoo and Conditioner? It took me a long time to figure out which shampoo I needed for my hair and which one was the cheapest. It was a rather overwhelming experience that nearly brought me to tears.
So how is being back in America? It is good, refreshing and exciting. But it is also hard and overwhelming at moments.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

San Fransisco

I have now been back in America for a little more than three weeks. These weeks have been full ones filled with family, traveling, a wedding, traveling, graduations, and more traveling. I miss Thailand but I'm so happy to be back too. Currently I'm living in Minneapolis Mn finishing my last semester of college.

My first day in the States was a 12 hour layover in San Fransisco California which I spent with Jarred's parents. I love San Fransico! Here are some pictures I took while I was there...