Thursday, September 1, 2011

Happy September First!!

Today is September First already!! So crazy!
Apparently September is Better Breakfast month. In light of that, and the fact that we had banana's that were attracting fruit flies, I made Banana Strudel Muffins this morning.

In an effort to use my blog more I have decided to use it as a photo journal of the little things in life that I am thankful for. God has been teaching me so much about contentment and being thankful in this season so this is a way for me to be accountable and share it!
Happy September!!


Sparty_Cyclone said...

...and I am thankful for nieces who send fresh banana strudel muffins to far-away uncles. yum!

Heather Hall said...

You guys will just have to come visit us so I can make some for you...are you coming up this fall?