Saturday, September 1, 2012

.lovely day.

Sometimes it can be hard coming back to my hometown after adventures around the world. This time has been different. Today was only my third day but it has been lovely being back! God has blessed me with some beautiful people in my life here and I've been so blessed to see them again. Besides my beautiful family, I got to catch up with some dear girlfriends today as well.

I got to have bubble tea with these lovelies today! We also made mexican food and went shopping. I missed these girls so much this summer!
My drink of choice today...yum!
Wouldn't be the same without Mango Stars!!

My Momma and Daddy also blessed me with these lovely shoes as a welcome home gift!
I miss my new friends in Africa and the UK but I'm blessed to have wonderful people in my life here too. I'm also excited to see what God has in store for this new season! I'll keep you posted.

P.S. Pictures from Africa are on their way too!

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